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Irresistible Offers
Part 0: Welcome & foundational materials
Welcome to Irresistible Offers (10:57)
Introduction to your instructor
Presentation slides
Your fillable workbook
Irresistibility checklist
Part 1: Guided questions & analysis
Product brainstorming & assessment (5:54)
Important considerations (2:14)
Part 2: Creating your awesome product
Choosing your product type (3:36)
Mapping out your idea to completed project (13:52)
Inclusivity in your product (7:53)
Product analysis (4:10)
Part 3: Crafting your irresistible offer
6 pillars of irresistibility (26:31)
Case studies & real-life examples (27:20)
Part 4: Common mistakes to avoid
How to prevent 8 common mistakes (25:38)
Irresistibility assessment (4:05)
Part 5: Next steps to take action on your Irresistible Offer
The final cornerstone of irresistibility (2:23)
Your irresistible offer in action (4:02)
Share your feedback
Mapping out your idea to completed project (13:52)
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